In a quiet coastal cottage, two retired nuclear physicists Hazel and Robin are living a simple life: yoga, salads, farming. Their old workplace, a nuclear power station, has just been devastated by a tsunami. Radiation fills the air. One evening an old
colleague, Rose, drops by unannounced with a proposition which will shake their already fragile world.
Lucy Kirkwood’s (Chimerica, Mosquitoes) Tony-nominated play brings accountability and mortality to the forefront in this surprisingly funny and thought-provoking work. Head, heart and humour: the perfect ingredients.

  • Director Madeleine Withington

    Production Company Joining The Dots

    Production and Costume Designer Paris Burrows

    Lighting Designer Isobel Morrisey 

    Sound Designer Alex.Lee-Rekers

    Stage Manager Claudia Elbourne

    Dramaturg Amy Jamieson

    Intimacy Advocate Sonya Kerr

  • CAST

    Rose Helen O'Connor

    Robin Mark Langham 

    Hazel Alison Chambers

    Photography by Iain Cox Photography